Face Masks and its proper use during COVID-19 Pandemic,
people who have COVID-19 may experience mild symptoms or none at
all, and they can spread the virus to others before they realize they have it.
They may think they have allergies, a cold or the flu. - It’s initially hard to tell the difference
between COVID-19 and the flu without a test. Face masks help prevent the spread of
the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
silent spreading within our communities during events that we attend without wearing
face masks risking ou. During these events we speak to each other, shake hands, share
utensils, hug each other, sing, cough or even sneeze – that is why face masks are now required or recommended in
most indoor public places.
Also a face mask can also prevent germs from others to get into your nose and mouth.
Face masks
essential because about half of
coronavirus that is spread comes
from people who are not showing symptoms
F Face Masks, helps protect others from getting coronavirus and also protects the person wearing it from getting coronavirus.
It is recommended to wear a mask in your own household if someone living
there has tested positive for the virus or has potentially been exposed.
Masks should be worn for all indoor events that you may engage in outside your own home, as well as during all outdoor events when the social distancing can't be maintained.
Other measures that may help in reducing the spread of corona virus are
a) Washing of hands with running water and soap,
c) Avoiding non-essential or crowded indoor places
d) Avoid travel events
Kindly Contact MOH Hotline For COVID-19 Call 719 or SMS *719#
Types of Face Masks
Using of face masks
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