Farming Innovation -

I embarked on establishing the Innovative Garden in Maai Mahiu (of Naivasha Nakuru County) since the place has limited rainfall. I finished setting up and planted on 30th September 2022. By 30th October 2022, I had harvested 3 times the spinach free from fertilizers. Contact me for business in setting up your Innovation Garden

Top view of the Innovative Garden

The garden had also pumpkin (Malenge) and Kunde

The garden had also pumpkin (Malenge) and Kunde

The transplanting of Kale (Sukuma Wiki) into the sacks

The transplanting of Kale (Sukuma Wiki) into the sacks 

I had nursery of Kale (Sukuma Wiki)

This was the harvested spinach

This was my third harvest of Spinach

The top view of the garden

The top view of the garden

The growth was slow but sure

I enclosed the garden with chicken wire after planting

The final product was good

The final product was good

The final product was good

The process was repetitive but enjoyable

I continued setting up the garden

The finished product is good

The first stage with 4 levels

I filled the second tyre with the mixture of soil and manure

I placed the second tyre, black polythene paper and filled it

I placed the second tyre and filled it

I placed the mixture of soil and manure in the tyre

Some of the tools I used were polythene papers, used tyres, manure and soil

Mixed the manure and soil

I identified the place and preparing the garden

This was my first innovation. I had used the sacks to plant Spinach and Kale. This gave me fresh vegetables free from fertilizers


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